Here we offer links to helpful websites, articles and information, all directed towards fostering a thriving business community here at the Fort Andross Mill Complex. We are your business connection and cheerleader. Please let us know if you have suggestions and / or additions.

Check back often as we continually update this page.


    Southern Midcoast Maine Chamber of Commerce – Provides information for the Bath/Brunswick Midcoast region. Member directory, tourist attractions, and an events calendar available.


    Our mission is to strengthen Southern Midcoast Maine communities through the arts by increasing awareness, knowledge…


    The Androscoggin Brunswick -Topsham Riverwalk is a 1.25-mile loop path along both sides of the Androscoggin River, connected by the historic Androscoggin…


    Businesses, events, and news from downtown Brunswick Maine


    The Maine State Music Theater


    Bowdoin College – A selective liberal arts college in Brunswick


    Now the Amtrak Downeaster goes all the way to Brunswick ME!


    Greater Portland Chamber of Commerce


    Portland’s Downtown District – Discover the downtown shopping district in Maine’s largest city


    The Fort Andross Mill complex in Brunswick, Maine offers office suites with views of the Androscoggin River, retail spaces, industrial and storage and real estate.


    Cabot Mill Antiques –  is a multi-dealer antique emporium located in Fort Andross, a beautifully restored textile mill on the Androscoggin River in Brunswick Maine.


    Cumberland Self Storage – Relax, you have found the friendliest storage professionals in Maine, offering affordable household and business storage and an easy, pleasant storage experience…